Assessments and Profiles
While just about any personality or competency assessment could provide interesting insights, Adventure Associates only utilizes well-researched instruments with direct and valuable implications for effective leadership and team skills. Furthermore, our workshops provide shared experiences that maximize participants’ abilities to understand and leverage their own and others’ unique styles and traits for collective success. The hallmark benefits of our Assessments & Profiles programs include:
- Deeper insight regarding one’s natural predispositions and or current level of skill
- Deeper insight regarding the value of others’ unique qualities
- Accelerated relationship development and improved quality of working relationships
- Increased ability to leverage personal differences for collective success
- Increased ability to listen to and consider divergent and contradictory input
- Improved ability to leverage various communication styles appropriate to various situations
- Improved ability to lead in a personalized, authentic manner rather than following formulas
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) Workshops
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® history and research dates back nearly a century.
DISC, a way to understand behavior styles and adapt communication accordingly, has long been viewed as a…
Emotional Intelligence
In today’s workplace, it isn’t enough for your employees to be smart; what’s…
Strengths Performance
Strengths aren’t necessarily what we’re good at and weaknesses what we aren’t so good at. Use a powerful talent assessment…
Team Needs Assessment
Return on your training investment is important to us. We want you to get your money’s worth…
Training Methodology
Rather than relying on PowerPoint presentations and lectures, expect highly experiential, elicitive approaches for instilling knowledge and developing skills. After getting oriented to the framework of the chosen instrument, the rest of the workshop includes custom-designed small group activities that bring the theory to life and provide opportunities for leveraging the new insights. The facilitator(s) carefully guide participants through reflective pre and post-activity debrief discussions aimed at uncovering wisdom and strengths within the group and maximizing the possibilities for future collaboration. Such lessons are tracked and fed back in the form of a post-program report, followed by additional conversations about strategic follow-through. Key aspects of the methodology include:
- Non-formulaic; every program is customized to the group
- Inclusive and participatory activities conducive to full engagement
- Practice activities and scenarios
- Enjoyable and memorable experience
- Tailored to abilities and interests of team/group
- Deliberate sequencing of activities; awareness and skills developed incrementally
- Focused practice
Blend with Team Building
Every Adventure Associates workshop includes experiential (learn-by-doing) activities, regardless of duration. And, in order to fully understand and appreciate the value of the assessment results, the following team building modules provide an ideal opportunity for taking risks with your new insights in order to be ready for action back in the “real world.”
- Build a Bridge – This program ignites your team’s creative energy as they move through the stages of designing, planning, building, troubleshooting and presenting their prototypes to the other teams.
- GeoTrek – This program, based on the recreational sport of geo-caching, blends adventure and technology into an exhilarating team building experience.
- TPC – Small teams work through a series of activity stations; each takes 30-45 minutes, including a focused discussion about how to maximize individual involvement, plan effectively, and which leadership and participation roles work best.
We tailor our leadership workshops for many types of groups and purposes, including:
Group Type:
- Leadership Team
- Onboarding new employees
- Sales Teams
- Group of Leaders (open enrollment)
- Project Teams
- Geographically Dispersed Teams/Leaders
- Virtual Teams
- Building on prior knowledge (e.g., if everyone has previous experience with tool)
- Change Management
- Professional Development
- Organizational Development
- Leadership Incubator/Internal Recruitment (High-Potential Employees)
- Leadership Retreats