At the Heart of It
Count on the enthusiasm, energy and focus that encourage participation. Facilitators guide the meeting, allowing top leaders to contribute freely and leading a process in which ideas are born and decisions are made. We help plan the agenda, keep it moving, on-course and successful.
Nuts and Bolts
- Indoor
- Half-day, full-day or multi-day
Facilitated Meeting
The best way to make a crucial meeting more effective may be to let someone else run it
A common frustration of work teams is that crucial meetings are too often disappointing and ineffective. Participants settle into their comfortable and familiar roles, and leaders consumed by running the meeting are unable to creatively contribute and guide as they’d like. Decisions aren’t made, problems aren’t solved, and the meeting accomplishes little and satisfies few. There’s a better way, and it’s often as simple as breaking free of the routine.
Off-site meeting facilitation can be like a one-day retreat
Our meeting facilitators work with you to develop the meeting agenda, incorporating the interactive challenges—indoors or outdoors—that energize and illuminate in a welcomed and needed change of pace. Meeting facilitation keeps the process moving and on-point, deftly maintaining the balance between substantive progress and an open opportunity for participants to freely contribute.
We’ll work with you to set the ground rules, and then keep the atmosphere positive and the meeting constructive, on-course and faithful to your agenda and needs. Expertly resolving and diffusing conflict while ensuring respectful treatment of everyone’s ideas. Participants also benefit from short teaching exercises that are congruent with your objectives, such as decision-making, problem-solving, conflict resolution and meeting effectiveness.
Selected Outcomes:
- Achieve extraordinary decision-making success.
- Maximize participation and optimize value in a truly effective meeting.
- Discover new strategies and tackle the most explosive issues.
- Strengthen your team with a game-changing one-day retreat.
- Return to the office energized and enthusiastic.
- Asking Questions - October 9, 2019
- Tips For Thriving as a Multi-Generational Workplace - June 20, 2019
- Real Work Office Design - March 3, 2019

At the Heart of It
Count on the enthusiasm, energy and focus that encourage participation. Facilitators guide the meeting, allowing top leaders to contribute freely and leading a process in which ideas are born and decisions are made. We help plan the agenda, keep it moving, on-course and successful.
Nuts and Bolts
- Indoor
- Half-day, full-day or multi-day