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Please put a rating in the corresponding box to report how true the statement is for your team right now. All fields must be entered. If a statement does not apply please use an X.
Not at All
A Little Bit
Very Much
Company goals are appropriate and clearly stated.
We are committed to the accomplishment of our shared company goals.
We accomplish our company goals.
Our group collectively contains the full range of talents we need to be effective.
Our talents are fully utilized.
One or more people competently fulfill the role of leadership.
Everyone clearly understands the role he/she is to fulfill.
Everyone clearly fulfills the role he/she is expected to play.
We use effective and efficient procedures to identify and resolve problems as they occur.
We hold effective and efficient meetings.
We use effective and efficient tools to ensure that information is shared and received.
We use effective and efficient planning tools.
We effectively track and monitor our team’s progress, holding individuals and teams accountable.
We deal with conflict in a constructive manner.
We provide enough support to each other to encourage a sense of belonging.
We provide enough positive challenge to each other to encourage high levels of performance.
We get along with each other quite well.
We receive enough recognition from internal and external sources for the work that we do.
We recognize and actively pursue new ideas and opportunities.
We have good constructive relationships with the other internal teams and individuals that we interact with.
Levels of trust and accountability are high
Morale is high